
Tenant Acceptance Policies

  1. Monthly rent shall not be more than fifty percent (50%) of the monthly net income, excluding utilities.
  2. Employment of less than six (6) months for the same employer may result in denial of application or an additional deposit of half the monthly rent.  Other, legal sources of income, if verifiable, will be considered.
  3. All current and previous landlord references will be verified. Failure to provide accurate, verifiable references may result in a denial of application or an additional deposit of half the monthly rent.
  4. Failure to obtain verifiable references will result in denial of application or an additional deposit of half the monthly rent.
  5. A credit check will be run on any application for Barker & Calkins, Inc. The presence of any slow pays, collections, judgments, bankruptcies, FED’s, or other such negative reports may be grounds for denial of the application or an additional deposit of half the monthly rent.
  6. Verification of income to be made by employer contact. Proof of self employment to be made by prior tax records, business receipts, bank statements or invoices to verify qualifying income as per #1 above. Non-employment income also to require verification by source, i.e. social security, HUD, insurance company, bank, trust, etc…
  7. Any information provided that is incomplete, inaccurate, or falsified shall be grounds for denial of application or subsequent termination of tenancy upon determination of such falsified information.
  8. All applications to be timed and dated and considered in chronological order.
  9. Barker & Calkins, Inc. practices Fair Housing Policies, which are covered in the Fair Housing Law of 1988 and it’s subsequent amendments. The Fair Housing Law is an extension of the Civil Rights Act and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status, marital status, source of income, previous eviction action in which tenant won, sexual orientation, and age.